welcome to wan era blog.. enjoy reading my simple life story.. hehehe

Monday, February 29, 2016


So yeah, i'm back. here in 2016!!!!
with new semester, new life, new spirit. and one thing that i'm still trying which is become HEARTLESS  as 2015 teach me a lot of stuff that i really don't want to remember any of it. too much pain and too much feeling to be care as I'm struggle on making people think that I'm okay even when I'm not . but yeahhh!!! who know, i'm still alive today, but tomorrow??? maybe yes maybe no. but one thing that i sure, I'm a same person that still trying to be better day by day. 

This 2016, i just started it with this quote, "When your life changes to be harder, change yourself to be stronger". as I know that nobody will change me if I don't..
so thanks to the person who write this in his twitter's bio. 

By the way, next year dah nak graduate (inshaallah).. pray for me. hope i can finish my degree's life in October 2017.

smile :)

thanks :)